Para sa mga bikolano buda bikolana... sain man parte ng kinaban kita... magkasararo... mag urogma... ta kita Taga Bikol kaya Oragon kita...



 “Is this a mere speculation? Then, Read on!”

Ibalong, the sixty stanzas the remain of a full-length folk epic that is today little known even in Kabikolan itself, was presumably jotted down in its complete Bicol narrative by Fray Bernardino de Melendreras (1815-1867), a Franciscan missionary in Ginobatan, Albay, from a minstrel referred to in the epic as Kadungung and who could be the same wandering bard described years later by another Franciscan, Fray Jose Castaño (b. 1854), as “Homero de Ibalon.”

Put afterwards into Spanish by Melendreras in Ibal, a 400-page manuscript in verse on the ancient custom of the Indios of Albay, its sixty-stanza portion was later included in a treatise on the Bicol Region by Castaño in 1895 as un pequeño fragmento inedito en verso. But because no credit was given to Melendreras by Castaño in the work, students of the Ibalong have since presumed that it was recorded and translated by Castaño himself.

Until a copy of the Bicol original is found, it would seem that what is left of the Ibalong – at least its sixty stanzas – is only the text in Spanish.

Fragmentary that it is, but just like any epic, the Ibalong portrays deeds in heroic proportions. Its three culture heroes – Baltog, Handyong, and Mantong – share glory in freeing Old Bicol of predatory and foraging beasts, of the sarimao and other monsters.

English Translation:


 Cuenta, Cadugñung la historia
 Delos tiempos de Handiong
 Con esa lira de plate
 Dulce encanto de Aslon.

 Cadungung, kindly narrate to us,
 Historic times of great Handyong,
 Sing with your lyre of silver tone
 The sweet enchantment of Aslong.

 Que solo cantar tu puedes
 Tanta belleza y primor
 Tantos ocultos misterios
 Como encierra esta region.

 For only you can put in song
 Such beauty and renown that bring
 The mysteries that now enshroud
 This glorious land of long ago.

 Canta, y dinos su reyes
 La prosapia y valor
 La guerra, que sostuvieron
 Hasta vencer a la Oriol.

 Sing, then, and tell us of its kings,
 Their proud past and their valiant role
 In war which they fought snake Oryol
 Until they had defeated and its fall.

 Dinos tambien por tu vida
 La historia del viejo Asog
 La del joven Masaraga,
 La del vetusto Isarog.

 Do tell us also all about
 The life of the old Asog,
 Of the still young Masaraga,
 And ancient moss-covered Isarog.

 Que tu fuiste el tierno vate
 El mas dulce seductor
 De cuantas vieron el lago
 Que a la Tacay sepulto.

 As tender bard enticing high
 Seducer sweetest that is why
 Among those who had seen the lake
 In which was buried Fair Takay.
 Canta, pues antentos todos
 A tu hermosa narracion
 Sentados aqui nos tienes
 A la sombra de un daod.

 Then, sing to us now you are free
 We shall listen to lovely song attentively
 Out in the shade, right where we sit,
 Here underneath the Dao Tree.


 Oid pues, hijos del Bicol.
 Dijo Cadugῆung veluz,
 Los hechos del viejo suelo
 Patria hermosa de Handiong.

 You Sons of Bicol, listen then,
 Responded quickly Cadungung,
 To the great deeds in this old clime,
 This beautiful land of king Handyong.
 Es el Bicol una tierra
 Llana, feraz, de aluvion;
 Del mundo la mas hermosa,
 La mas rica en produccion.

 The Kabicolan is a realm
 With fertile fields of wide plains,
 Fairest in the World, that nature gives,
 The richest in what planting yields.

 Fue Baltog el primer hombre
 Que esta tierra habito.
 Oriundo de Botavara,
 De la raza de Lipod.

 Baltog was the first hero known
 Who pioneered this lovely place,
 He was of Botavara land
 His birth Lipod, which was his race.
 Al Bicol llego siguiendo
 Un jabali muy feroz,
 Que sus sembrados de linza
 Una noche destruyo.

 Arriving Bicol he did scour
 Because of great fiercest boar
 Destroyed his linsa plants one night
 And he pursued it furiously.
 Cuando le tuvo acostado
 Al suelo tiro en lanzon,
 Y con sus brazos herculeos
 Las quijadas le partio.

 Baltog then downed the hunted game
 Without his thrown lance, he just came
 When he had cornered it, in combat fair
 Herculean arms he broke its jaws.
 Cada quijada tenfa
 Una vara de largor
 Y los colmillos dos tercios
 De la asta de su lanzon.

 Both arms extended was the length
 Of every jawbone in its stance
 Believed at once its curling tusks
 Two thirds length of his mighty lance.
 Al volver a sus Estados
 Las dos quijadas colgo
 De un talisay gigantesco
 En su casa de Tundol.

 Returning home from hunting spree
 He hung the jawbones on a tree,
 A big talisay there it would be
 Near Tondol house for all to see.
 A los viejos cazadores
 Causaron admiracion
 Estos trofeos gloriosos
 De su rey el gran Baltog.

 Old hunters then, did praises sing
 In honor of their Great Baltog king
 To see such wonders chase could bring
 For glorious trophies to people bring.
 Fueron a verios las tribus
 De Panicuason y Asog;
 Y dejeron que, en sus dias
 No hubo jabali mayor.

 People of Panikwason and Asog tribe
 Arrived to view enormous hog
 Said in their days saw not a boar
 As big as that killed by Baltog.
 Le llamaron Tandaya
 De los montes de Ligñon
 Por su exacto parecido
 Con el monstruo Behemot.

 They called it the Tandayag boar
 Of Lingyon Hill there its fold
 Because its likeness exactly told
 The Behemot monster bold.


 Despues de este vino al Bicol
 Con gueteros Handiong,
 Quien de monstruos la comarca
 En poco tiempo limpio.

 Soon after this to Bicol came
 The grand Handyong, with warriors band
 Resolved to destroy their very stand
 All monstrous creatures of the land.

 Batallas para extingirlos
 Mil y mil el empeño
 De todos siempre saliendo
 Con aires de vencedor.

 To wipe them, battles fought galore
 Handyong whom truly they adore,
 In all the thousand victory he fought
 Against all monsters they conquer.

 Los monoculos trifauces
 Que havitaban en Ponon
 En diez lunas sin descanso
 Por completo destruyo.

 Three-throated beast with just one eye
 Had made inhabit Ponong’s dryland
 For ten restless months they attacked
 Till he had destroyed and all did die.

 Los alados tiburones
 Y el bufalo cimarron
 Que por los montes volaban
 En menos tiempo amanso.

 The winged sharks that ploughed the deep,
 Carabaos roamed in their wild style
 Cavorting happily in mountainsides
 He did imprint his taming marks.

 Los buayas colosales
 Como los balotos de hoy,
 Y los fieros sarimaos
 Al Colasi destierro.

 All the gigantic crocodiles
 The size of bancas of today
 Fierce Sarimaos with their wiles
 To Culasi exiled away.

 Las serpientes, que tenian
 Cual de serena la voz,
 Del Hantic en la caverna
 Para siempre sepulto, Oriol

 The serpents whose voice did enthrall
 Like the siren’s tempting call,
 In Hantic’s wide cavernous hall
 Forever they were buried all.


 Pero no pudo vencer,
 Por la mas maña que se dio
 A la culebra sagu
 Conocida por la Oriol.

 However, he could not defeat
 Even to used cunning and deceit
 Against the snake’s sagacious wit
 The most elusive one, name Oryol.

 Esta culebra sabia
 Mas que el famoso Handiong
 Y a sus ojos fascinaba
 Con afable seduccion.

 More learned and wiser than Handyong
 Whose fascinating eye, lovelier to see
 As if it were a sweet gesture
 Beckoning him seductively.

 Mil lazos Handiong le puso
 Y de todo se burlo,
 Los nudos desenredando
 Con sagacidad mayor.

 Handyong bound it a thousand ways
 It only scoffed and mocked around
 With its crowned sagacity
 It always untied the knots.

 Con palabaras seductoras
 Muchas veces le engaño,
 Que en eso de fingimientos
 Era gran maestra Oriol.

 With seducing words, he was told
 So many times Handyong was fooled
 That in pretending she was called
 Oryol, the great teacher of deceit.

 Cuantas veces por el bosque
 Sin descanso la siguio
 Creyendo de la serena
 En la seductora voz!

 How many times without a rest,
 He searched her in to the woods,
 He thought that what had lured him on
 Believing the voice of a siren there!

 Los trabajos del gran Hercules,
 Las conquistas que gano,
 Todo hubiera fracasado
 Por la influencia de Oriol.

 The task of renowned Hercules,
 The gains that gave immortal seat
 Could have been failures and defeat
 If interfered like creature such Oryol.
 Peromera inscontante,
 Ella mismo ayudo
 Para vencera a los monstruos
 Que infestaban la region.

 But inconsistent in its act
 Oryol itself did help Handyong
 To all the monsters must conquer
 That have infested the Bicol land.

 Luchaban con las buayas
 Brazo a brazo, y vencedor
 De combates tan tremendos
 Sin menoscabo salio.

 Together they fought victoriously
 Against the giant crocodiles they won
 After the battles and onslaught
 No scratchy wounds to him was wrought.

 Los pongos y orangutangs
 La miraban con horror,
 Porque las aguas del Bicol
 Con su sangre coloro.

 The pongos and orangutans
 Watching the fight filled with horror stung,
 With color due to crocodiles blood
 He tinged the Bicol River red.

 Eran monos pendencieros
 De conocida valor
 Pero el gigante los hizo
 Retirarse al Isarog.

 Those wild monkeys which were troublesome,
 Whose valor was widely spread,
 The huge Handyong drove all away
 To Isarog’s mountainous dome.


 Y libre ya de alimañas
 Quedando asi la region
 En dar leves a su pueblo
 Como suno interes penso.

 Now that the land set free at last
 With no more beasts of prey to kill,
 He established better people laws
 To serve his people interest and will.

 Handiong y sus compañeros
 Plantaron con un bolod
 Linzas, que dieron sus frutas
 Tan grandes como un pansol.

 Handyong’s companions to his call
 They planted linsa on a hill,
 Producing tuber roots and all
 The giant size of a pansol.

 Tambien en un sitio bajo
 Sembraron el rico arroz
 Que Handiong largos siglos
 El sobrenombre llevo.

 Then also in a lowland site
 They sowed along rich-yielding rice
 That many centuries along
 Known by the nickname Hinandyong.
 Hizo la primera canoa
 Que por el Bicol surco;
 Menos el timon y vela
 Que fueron por Guinantong.

 Handyong the first to build a boat
 To Bicol River navigate on high
 Except its rudder and its sail
 Kimantong’s doing and supply.

 Este invento los arados,
 El piene y el pagolon,
 La ganta y otras medidas,
 El sacal, bolo y lando.

 Besides he invented the plow,
 The harrow and the roll in tow,
 The ganta, other measures, too,
 The bolo, hoe, and yoke for cow.

 Los telares y argadillos
 Fueron obra de Hablom,
 Quien con asombra de todos
 Un dia al rey presento.

 They say that the loom and bobbins
 Hablom one day worked hard to make,
 To the surprise of everyone,
 To king Handyong he gave away.

 Invento la gorgoreta,
 Coron, calan, y paso
 Y otros varios utensiles
 El pigmeo Dinahon.

 The earthen jar, pot, bowl and stove,
 And utensils I can’t recall
 The pygmy called Dinahong
 Had invented all the workmanship.

 El alfabeto fue Sural,
 Quien curioso combino,
 Grabandola en piedra Libon,
 Que pulimento Gapon.

 Surath had mystically combined
 Carve in stone the exotic suratin
 Encountered in place called Libon
 Then, was polished later by Gapon.

 Hicieron ciudad y casas
 En disegual proporcion,
 En las ramas suspendiendolas
 Del banasi y camagon.

 They built a houses with city zone
 Unequal proportion of various sizes
 And hanging branches they were prone
 Of trees banasi, and kamagong.

 Que eran tantos los insectos,
 Tan excesivo calor,
 Que solo en el moog podian
 Pasar el rigor del sol.

 With swarmiing insects all around
 And with the burning sun to beat,
 Its only at the moog seat
 Where they could go to bear the heat.
 Y leyes mando muy justas
 Sobre la vida y honor
 A los que todos sujetos
 Estaban sin distincion.

 The laws and orders just made for all,
 Upon their life and honor laid
 He said equality to all the subjects
 No distinction made both high and low.

 Todos su puesto guardaban,
 El esclavo y el señor,
 Respetando los derechos
 De prosapia y sucesion.

 In what position to him endowed
 The slave and master truly showed
 Respect for rights of heritage
 And of succession as bestowed.


 Hubo entonces un diluvio
 Promovido por el Onos,
 Que el aspecto de esta tierra
 Por completo trastorno.

 Then came a deluge on the land
 Caused by the Onos force of old
 So that the features of this earth
 Were completely changed to behold.

 Reventaron los volcanes
 Hantic, Colasi, Isarog,
 Y al mismo tiempo sentiose
 Un espantoso temblor.

 Volcanoes Hantik, Isarog,
 Culasi also burst so quick
 And was felt simultaneously
 The whole ground quake convulsively.
 Fue tanta sacudida,
 Que el mar en seco dejo
 El istmo de Pasacao
 Del modo que se ve hoy.

 So mighty was the jolting sway
 To its bottom the sea gave way
 Effecting isthmus in the fray
 At Pasacao as seen today.
 Separo del continente
 La isleta de Malbogon
 Donde moran las sibilas
 Llamadas Hilan, Lariong.

 A torn part of the mainland formed
 The islet known as Malbogong
 Inhabited by witches strong
 The so-called Hilang and Laryong.

 El caudaloso Inarihan
 Su curso el Este torcio,
 Pues, antes del cataclismo,
 Desaguaba por Ponon.

 The waters flow of Inarihan
 Its course due East ran up all wrong,
 So that before this cataclysm
 Flowed to Ponong, where set the sun.

 En Bato se hundio un gran monte
 Y en su sitio aparecio
 El lago, hoy alimenta
 Con su pesca a Ibalon.

 In Bato a big mountain sank
 That generated water tank
 A lake came up which now supplies
 Fish consumption by Ibalong folks.
 Del golfo de Calabagñan
 Desaparecio Dagatnon,
 De donde eran los Dumagat
 Que habitaron en Cotmon.

 From the gulf of Calabangan
 Where all Dagatnong has-been wiped out
 From which had come the Dumagat
 Who had inhabited Cotmong.


 Fue este reino poderoso
 En los tiempos de Bantong,
 Compañero inseparable
 Del aguerrido Handiong.

 Soon this kingdom grew powerful
 To golden era of Young Mantong
 Who was a faithful Prince companion
 Of battle-wary Old Handyong.

 Le mando alli con mil hombres
 Para a matar a Rabot,
 Medio hombre y media fiera,
 Hechicero embaucador.

 Handyong gave him a thousand men
 To kill Rabot to rid this land
 Who was half-human and half-beast,
 Magician, liar, that plagued the land.

 Todos lo que alli abordaron
 Antes de esta expedicion
 En piedras convertieron
 El encanto de Rabot.

 All the brave men, traveled in quest
 Who dared to near its lair at least
 Had turned at once to solid stones
 By the sheer magic of the beast.

 Bantong supo que este mago
 Era un grande dormilon,
 Haciendolo asi de dia
 Sin ninguna precaucion.

 Being magi, Mantong had rightly guessed
 That this Rabot observed heavily slept
 Without precaution lay along
 And that it did this all day long.


 Alla llevo sus soldados
 En un dia de aluvion,
 Y antes que el despertara
 De un tajo lo dividio.

 One floody day, watched by his men,
 Mantong did go, his job to do,
 Before the waking time was due
 One stoke cut Rabot into two.

 Asi y todo daba gritos
 Con tan estentorea voz
 Que lo oyeron de los mangles
 De bognad y camagon.

 From the bold shout warriors of Mantong
 Rose a loud dying cries so taut
 That rang throughout the mangrove swamps,
 The bunga, kamagong, no doubt.

 Le llevaron a Libmanan
 Do fue a verle el gran Handiong
 Y ante su vista asustado
 Por largo tiempo quedo.

 The corpse was brought to Ligmanan
 Where it was seen by great Handyong
 Truly shocked him very terribly
 That remained in him for long.

 Pues jamas el hubo visto
 Un viviente tan atroz
 De figura tan horrible
 Ni de mas tremenda voz.

 For surely he had never seen
 A more atrocious living thing
 Horrible form which caused a sting
 And voice much louder than its ring.

 Aqui suspendio Cadugñung
 Su primera narracion
 Dejando para otro dia
 De continuarla occasion.

 And here Cadungung did stay
 The first part of his ancient lay
 To leave a continuation way
 The occasion of another day.

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